
Philosophy & Background

Bowls Australia is committed to ensuring our reaccreditation requirements for officiating are clear for all current and potential officials. We have designed a system in combination with our state and territory associations which provide the necessary development for our officials, but removes unnecessary hurdles to completing the process.

Official Reaccreditation Policy

In summary, the Official Reaccreditation model is:

1. Fill out and complete a reaccreditation form and send it to your relevant state/territory association;
2. Answer questions related to the officiating duty;
3. Answer questions related to Manage Self Module;
4. Complete an On-Green Assessment.

Please see below for the requirements for each specific accreditation.


  1. Complete the application form and return with payment to your state/territory association;
  2. Have your club secretary/president complete and return the ‘Recognition of performance as an Official’ form;
  3. Answer the 5 questions in Part 1;
  4. Answer the 3 questions in Part 2 (Managing Self);
  5. Prior to undertaking the assessment read over the measuring assessments you need to undertake and be observed performing Part 3 the ‘On-green assessment’ by an approved assessor;
  6. Show the approved assessor you have the most current copy of the laws of the sport of bowls;
  7. Submit to the assessor your signed Australian Sports Commissions Code of Ethics/Bowls Australia – Official’s Code of Behaviour form.


  1. Complete the application form and return with payment to your state/territory association;
  2. Have your club secretary/president complete and return the ‘Recognition of performance as an Official’ form;
  3. Answer the 5 questions in Part 1;
  4. Answer the 3 questions in Part 2 (Managing Self);
  5. Prior to undertaking the assessment read over the measuring assessments you need to undertake and be observed performing Part 3 the ‘On-green assessment’ by an approved assessor;
  6. Show the approved assessor you have the most current copy of the laws of the sport of bowls;
  7. Submit to the assessor your signed Australian Sports Commissions Code of Ethics/Bowls Australia – Official’s Code of Behaviour form

National Umpire

  1. Complete the application form and return with payment to your state/territory association;
  2. Have your club secretary/president complete and return the ‘Recognition of performance as an Official’ form;
  3. Answer the questions in Part 1 (National Umpire x5, Marker x5 and Measurer x5);
  4. Answer the 3 questions in Part 2 (Managing Self);
  5. Prior to undertaking the assessment read over the measuring assessments you need to undertake and be observed performing Part 3 the ‘On-green assessment’ by an approved assessor;
  6. Show the approved assessor you have the most current copy of the laws of the sport of bowls;
  7. Submit to the assessor your signed Australian Sports Commission’s Code of Ethics/Bowls Australia – Official’s Code of Behaviour form.

International Technical Official

The International Technical Official is a World Bowls accreditation which lasts five years. To regain accreditation you must go through the same process you completed to gain your ITO accreditation initially.