Short Ends: World Bowls Championships Edition – Jacky Hudson

by Val Febbo on June 27, 2023

The Right at Home Jackaroos World Bowls Championships team share some information that you might not have known about them in the past.

Next up, Jackie Hudson.

Earliest bowls memory: Watching my Mum play bowls in Madang, PNG, back in the 50s!!

Finest moment on the green: Beating South Africa to win gold medal in pairs at IBBA World Championships this year.

Favourite dish: Anything someone else cooks so I don’t have to.

AFL or NRL: Neither, soccer.

Tea or coffee: Coffee AM, tea PM.

Career/work inspiration: Happily retired now.

First celebrity crush: Robert Redford

Three items you couldn’t live without and why: Mobile phone, monocular & sunglasses – to help find my way around on my own.

Outside of bowls what would be your dream job? Food critic & wine taster.

Favourite non-bowls athlete and why: Ash Barty – the way she conducts herself on & off the court.

Favourite movie: The Godfather movies.

Favourite TV show: Schitt’s Creek

Cats or dogs: Both

Which player would be the most likely to be invited to Coach Gary Willis’ house for dinner? Aaron Teys

What reality show would you like to appear on? The Amazing Race

Funniest Jackaroo & why: Damien Delgado – prankster & a great sense of humour.

What music revs you up? Depends on my mood – classical, country, 60s & 70s rock.

Your biggest pet peeve & why? Being asked “how are WE today?” & “you’s” instead of YOU. It must be a frustrated English teacher!

Proudest non-bowls accomplishment: My 3 adult children.

Which teammate is most likely to forget their keys? Sadly that would be me.

Playstation, Xbox or Nintendo: None of the above.

Favourite social media app: Facebook

Most embarrassing memory you have: Too many to mention! Am a bit of a clumsy klutz.

Ideal holiday destination and why: Hawaii – haven’t been there yet.